An introduction:
I like writing (so I tell myself) and want to be a writer (I am a writer! a poet! dammit!) but have been dealing with a serious block for literal years.
So here's hoping some anonymity will do me good.
Like nearly everyone, I am precariously employed (though still very privileged in most ways) and so want to keep some of my experiences and experiential knowledge just out of arms reach of potential employers.
I am a white settler Canadian from in Niagara, Ontario. I'm something of an ecologically minded libertarian socialist, or an anarchist for short. I spent a long time in school and I'm trying to write more accessibly and figure out how to pull what is useful from the colonizing hellfire of academia to the world that people actually live in. I'm some kind of queer but taxonomy is trying to make rigid what is fluid.
The name “good enough revolutionary” combines the “good enough” from psychotherapist Donald Winnicott's idea of the “good enough mother [or parent]” to which I've appended the idea of “being soft on yourself” and loving imperfection — enabled in this capitalist dystopia perhaps only by my SSRIs — with the anarchist notion of “living the revolution into being.” This act of living through striving for a more revolutionary life unifies means and ends towards building communities which do the thing they should do after “The Revolution” right now. This is similar to the anarchist conception of dual power where direct action initiatives and organisations start doing things that states, governments, and private entities currently do, better and freer and so show the irrelevance of those systems of organiztion which can then be sluffed off.
I'll keep editing this as I think of things or adjust things.